
    摘要:随着计算机科学与技术的飞速发展,国内外很多企业都意识到网络信息传递带给企业的效益是任何其他传递方式不可比拟的,网络在某种程度上可以大大提企业的办事效率,提升整企业形象。很显然当今社会己进入信息社会时代,已经不是传统意义上的“酒香不怕巷子深”时代,信息己经受到社会的广泛关注,因此通过企业网站来宣传自己是有必要的也就是必然的。本网站系统基于三层架构原理,采用ASP.NET,C#为编程语言,运用了 Visual Studio 2010和SQLServer 2008等工具。该网站的建设分为以下几个内容:一、企业简介,对企业风貌进行介绍;二、新闻中心,用于发布简易的企业新闻;三、产品展示,展示本企业的产品信息;四、产品的购买下载功能(主要用于下载产品目录);五、联系我们,提供本公司的联系方式。在这个框架下,对各个功能模块进行细化,标准化,从而实现动态网站的功能。65761


    Abstract:  With the rapid development of computer science and technology, many domestic and foreign companies are aware of network messaging to bring business benefits unmatched by any other transfer mode, in a way,the network can help you significantly increase the efficiency of enterprises, enhance the whole corporate image.    It is clear that today's society has entered the era of the information society, "sell themselves" is not in the traditional sense of the times, the information has been widespread concern in society, and therefore through the Web site to promote itself is necessary and inevitable. The system is based on  3-tier architecture , and uses ASP.NET as the programming language, the use of Visual Studio 2010 and SQLServer 2008 and other tools. Construction of the site is pided into the following: First, corporate profile, corporate style introduced; Second, information centers, for publishing a simple business news; Third, products, information showing the company's products; Fourth, the product purchase download function (mainly used to download the catalog); five, contact us and provide the company's contact information. In this framework, the various functional modules refined, standardized to achieve functional dynamic website.

    Key words: Corporate website, 3-tier architecture ,C #,SQLServer database, ASP.NET

    目  录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 研究现状 4

    1.2 网站设计主要内容 4

    2 网站设计中所采用的技术 4

    2.1 ADO技术 4

    2.2 数据库SQL Server开发技术 5

    2.3 三层架构技术 6

    3设计分析 7

    3.1 需求分析 7

    3.1.1需求分析目的 7

    3.1.2进行需求分析的意义 7

    3.1.3 根据需求分析得出功能结构图 8

    3.2  可行性分析 9

    4 数据库设计 9

    4.1系统概要设计及E-R图 9

    4.2 数据库表设计 10

    5 系统详细设计 12

    5.1 系统主界面实现 13

    5.2 基本信息模块设计

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