
    摘 要:近年来物流的发展非常迅速,但物流和车辆信息交互不畅影响物流的发展,缺少一个第三方的信息平台来对货物和车辆进行牵线搭桥。为了能够更好地处理信息,方便用户进行物流信息交换,设计一款移动版的物流管理系统还是非常必要的。本系统面向安卓手机用户,软件包括用户端和管理端两部分,本设计是管理端部分。管理端具有比较高级的权限,能够对所有信息进行管理,包括用户登录信息,垃圾信息等。主要模块包括三部分:用户帐户管理,货物管理和车辆管理。软件的主要功能就是实现物流信息的后台管理,实现货物信息和车辆信息的查找和删除,用户登录信息的查找和删除。测试表明本系统具有较强的互动性,可以使交易完成的更加迅速便捷。本系统基于Android SDK开发,开发IDE使用了Eclipse, 数据存储基于公有云BMOB。65762

    毕业论文关键词: Android ,Eclipse,物流管理

    Abstract: In recent years, logistics has mading great progress, but logistics and vehicle information interactive information poor effect of logistics development and lack a third party information platform of goods and vehicles for matchmaking.In order to better deal with the information, it is necessary to design a mobile version of the logistics management system for the user to exchange the logistics information. The system is for Android mobile phone users, and the software includes two parts, the client and the management, and the design is the management part of the end. The management has a relatively advanced permissions to all information management, including user login information, spam, etc.The main modules include three parts: user account management, cargo management and vehicle management. The main function of the software is to realize the background management of logistics information, realize the search and delete of the information of the goods and vehicle, and delete the user's login information. The test shows that this system has a strong interaction, and can make the transaction more rapid and convenient. This system based on SDK Android development, the development of IDE used Eclipse, data storage based on public cloud BMOB.

    Keywords:Eclipse ,Android ,Logistics management

    目   录

    1 前言 1

    2 系统开发工具以及开发环境简介 1

    2.1 Android简介 2

    2.2 Java简介 3

    2.3 Eclipse简介 3

    2.4 Bmob移动平台 4

    2.5 Sqlite数据库 4

    3系统的总体设计 5

    3. 1 需求分析 5

    3. 2 系统用例图 5

    3. 3 概要设计 6

    3. 4 数据库设计 6

    4.详细设计与实现 9

    4.1登陆模块 9

    4.2注册模块 11

    4.3主界面模块 12

    4.4货物管理模块 13

    4.5车辆管理模块 18

    4.6会员管理模块 22

    4.7历史记录模块 25

    4.8备忘录模块 26

    4.9账号管理模块 28

    结  论

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