

    毕业论文关键字:高职单招  在线报名  招生系统

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Universities and Colleges Admissions Information Management System Design and Development                s                                S                                 


    This paper introduced the entrance examination system in colleges and universities, enrollment in colleges and universities as an important management in colleges and universities, their information work is imperative, University enrolment University need-oriented information management system came into being, is designed to help managers in colleges and universities and the district Admissions Office better completion of enrollment and recruiting after the management and development of management system of students ' information. Computer and network science and technology continues to improve, using computer network technology to college enrollment work relating to information management, is an important part of education information trend. Then this college enrollment overall information management needs, to a vocational and technical school of vocational information management system as an example to explain, and details the high level business processes. Analysis of higher vocational enrollment online overall function and structure of an integrated management platform and the system's overall business processes. And selecting a vocational system candidate registration module, for example, to the design and development of the system.

    Keywords: Online enrollment of higher vocational education system


    1引言 1

    2高等院校招生信息管理概述 2

    2.1高等院校招生信息管理总体需求 2

    2.2 ××职业技术学院高职单招信息管a理业务描述 4

    3××职业技术学院高职单招网上综合管理平台系统分析 5

    3.1总体功能结构 5

    3.1.1系统管理功能 5

    3.1.2院校管理端功能 6

    3.1.3考生端功能 8

    3.2 系统总体业务流程 9

    4××职业技术学院高职单招网上综合管理平台系统设计 10

    4.1系统运行架构设计 10

    4.2 系统开发与运行平台方案设计

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