


    毕业论文关键词  反潜  Socket  MFC   算法验证


    Title  Socket-based Helicopter Antisubmarine Algorithm 

             Verification System                                                                        


    In 21st century, submarines spread globally. Countries all over the world has paid great attention to aviation anti-submarine since it’s high speed, flexible, efficient, hard to be attacked and be able to carry a variety of detection equipment, etc. The purpose of the development of this software is for the convenience of proving the anti-submarine algorithms and planning the route of the antisubmarine warfare aircraft. 

    Based on the introduction of anti-submarine algorithms, programming interface and the communication protocol, after the system analysis, system physical topology design and the pision of function modules. Using Socket communication and MFC programming the software has been implemented, and verified the five algorithms successfully by building a server environment.

    Keywords  Anti-submarine  Socket  MFC   Algorithm Verification

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  论文研究内容 1

    2  相关概念和技术 2

    2.1  反潜算法相关概念介绍 2

    2.2  开发环境及技术介绍 4

    2.2.1  Visual Studio 2012 介绍 4

    2.2.2  MFC编程介绍 4

    2.3  Socket通信介绍 5

    2.3.1  Socket通信基本原理 5

    2.3.2  Socket通信的基本步骤 5

    2.4  MFC图形编程相关概念 5

    2.4.1  二维图形坐标转换 5

    2.4.2  二维图形缩放与平移 6

    2.4.3  透明位图 6

    2.4.4  位图旋转 6

    3  基于Socket的直升机反潜算法验证需求分析与系统设计 7

    3.1  系统工作流程 7

    3.2  系统物理拓扑结构 7

    3.3  反潜算法验证软件的功能模块

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