


    Abstract: With the improvement of living standards, the car is everywhere in each corner of the city and a lot of families buy cars instead of walking around with parking under pressure. The issue of parking management information modeling and rational design is concerned to provide efficient parking services in a convenient way, such as correct prompt vacant parking number and indicates the parking position, automatic toll collection, support query information poor record etc. System is based on B / S framework achieved using ASP.Net technology. The paper describes the requirements of the system, function modules, database schema implementation strategy and functional modules. The last test and debug the program results are analyzed and summarized to obtain insufficient and need to improve the system.

    Keywords: Parking Management, Web Applications, ASP.Net, B / S Framework

    目  录

    1 系统概述 4

    1.1 研究背景 4

    1.2 研究意义 4

    1.3 技术线路 5

    2 系统开发技术 5

    2.1 ASP.NET技术 5

    2.2 动态网站技术 6

    2.3 数据库支持 6

    2.4 ADO.NET框架 7

    3 需求分析 7

    3.1 可行性分析 7

    3.2 计算机软硬件配置和开发平台 7

    3.3 编程环境与工具 8

    4 系统概要设计 8

    4.1 概述 8

    4.2 系统结构 8

    4.3 数据库设计 9

    5 系统详细设计 11

    5.1 用户登录模块的实现 11

    5.2 车位信息管理 12

    5.3 车辆信息管理 12

    5.4 入场信息管理 13

    5.5 出场信息管理 14

    5.6 修改密码 14

    6 系统测试 14

    6.1 系统测试计划 14

    6.2 系统测试工具 15

    6.3 测试方法和测试类型 15

    6.4 系统测试的目的和原则 15

    6.5 系统测试效果 15

    总  结 17

    参考文献 18

    致  谢 19

    1 系统概述

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