    关键词  网站设计  旅游  大学生
    Title    Design and Implementation of the travel site                     
       for college students                   
    In the background of the country's economic sustainable development and people's material living standards improved . People began to pert attention to enrich their spiritual life. As the activities for people to getting mental pleasant feeling ,tourism become the first choice to more and more people to broaden their view and feel the off-site style from busy work, life and study. The tourism has become one of the strongest development and largest industry in the global economy. At the same time, the development of information technology has had a profound impact on the tourism industry. Network technology has injected new vitality to the development of the tourism industry. Tourism web sites, the product that emerged as the combination of the Internet and tourism, is affecting and changing the traditional operation mode of the tourism industry. It promote the traditional tourism rapidly into the wave of the network economy by the advantages of interactive, real-time, profusion, and the convenience.
    Therefore, I researched some of the existing well-known domestic travel sites. And through my own induction summary, I extracted some common functions witch are suitable for college students, wiped off some unnecessary functions, then makes this travel sites even more simple, more specific, and avoid the interference of a large number of redundant information . So that the visitor can focus on their desired content
    This site focused on to provide a convenient, fast and straightforward tourist information to college students. And provide a basic communication platform between the visitors. The main function of this site is to provide users with an integrated information management system witch set Tourism information query and entry, hotel information query and entry, ticket information query and entry, and car rental, tourism shopping, online communication in one.
    Keywords  website design  travel  college students
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