    关键词  图像搜索引擎 元搜索引擎 API接口  
    Title             The Engine Search Based OnThe Source Search         
    With the rapid development of network technology and the arisen of the multimedia application, images are applied more and more widely, making the whole Internet world shine.At the same time, large capacity and high speed computer storage technology development provide the images substantial and quick storage mode.But the following image information disorder problem is more and more outstanding.How fast and effective retrieval, query and browse images on network information become the urgent need of the people when we face these problems.Image search engines have therefore provides a effective way. At present the image search engine on the image retrieval does not make customer satisfied. In order to make the obtainment and the use of the image information can be more efficient, more effective,the study of the image information retrieval research is extremely important.
       First this paper summed the working principle of the image search engine and the classification of the image search engine and points out the existing problems and its development trend by the analysis of the present situation of the image search engine.Secondly,the paper analyse the full text search engine index, characteristics and defects through the image search engine classification.Then the paper analyse the principle and classification of the meta search engine and according to the meta search engine features to build a parallel image meta search engine framework.
    Keywords : Image search engine   Meta search engine   API interface
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 图像搜索的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  本文研究的内容    2
    1.3  本文结构    2
    2  开发环境介绍    4
    2.1  Dreamweaver编译器的简介及安装    4
    2.1.1  Dreamweaver简介    4
    2.1.2  Dreamweaver的安装    4
    2.2 JS简介    6
    2.3  JS的发展史以及安装    7
    3  图像搜索    8
    3.1  图像搜索的工作原理    8
    3.2  图像检索引擎的检索途径    9
    3.2.1关键词检索    9
    3.2.2图像可视属性的检索    10
    3.3  主要指标及其分析    10
    3.4  图像搜索的发展方向    11
    3.5 独立搜索引擎与元搜索引擎的比较    13
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