    关键词  J2EE Information manage lightweight Spring 信息发布
    TITLE       The Release Of Public Information And The      
      Management And Control Of Documents Based On Web                                               
    This study is to propose effective solutions for a research institute of public management and public information management, public information management requirements of the users publish, delete, edit public information available to specific user groups to see, and can customize the public informationcategory. Public information to increase the classification tree structure diagram on this basis, both need to improve the uploading and downloading functions. In this study, the eventual adoption of the J2EE architecture, Oracle Database as a data storage intermediaries, the use of Struts2.0, Mybatis, Spring build the entire system design focus on public information in the release management process, the security of its information, timeliness, targeted request a set of good solutions, and gives a good user interface. Including information to save, modify, publish. Making an already difficult hierarchical control, information management, efficient, simple.
    Keywords : J2EE   Information manage   lightweight
    Spring     Release of information
    目 录
    1    绪论    6
    1.1    课题研究背景与意义    6
    1.2    课题研究内容    7
    1.3    预期完成目标    8
    1.4    论文组织结构    8
    1.5    本章小结    9
    2    相关技术资料陈述    9
    2.1    系统背景介绍    9
    2.2    知识背景    9
    2.2.1    MVC    10
    图2-1 MVC关系图    10
    图2-2 Web应用结构图    11
    2.2.2    Web应用模型    11
    图2-3 Web应用结构修改Model2    11
    2.2.3    MVC开发模式分析    12
    2.3    模型层    12
    2.4    控制层    14
    2.5    视图层    16
    2.6    本章小结    17
    3    系统需求分析及设计    18
    3.1    需求分析    18
    3.1.1    公共信息管理    18
    3.1.2    公共资料管理    18
    3.1.3    需求特点分析    19
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