


    本设计采用B/S模式, 使用Asp.net和Access进行以三层架构为基础的开发方法来开发本系统,保证了系统的先进性和高效性和可扩展性。


    Abstract: This design is the official website of Bao Xiang sports equipment company. The aim of designing the website is to solve the problem of products' disseminating and sales, it uses the network to promot the company's image and broaden the channels of sales, then, the company might be in a better position in the competition.

    This design can make it that promoting the company's image exactly, the Front-end shows the information of products, company's situation and so on, the backstage makes the administrator manage and maintain it, the administrator can update the information of products in time. The user not only see the details of the products, but also buy the products through the network.

    This design adopts B/S pattern to realize, it uses Asp.net and Access to develop the system based on the three-tier architecture, it ensures the system's advancement, efficient and scalability.

    KeyWords: sports equipment, B/S, online sales, three-tier architecture

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    1.1  课题背景 3

    1.2  研究意义 3

    2  开发工具及系统结构设计概述 3

    2.1  Microsoft Visual Studio 2010介绍 3

    2.2  Asp.Net介绍 4

    2.3  Microsoft Office Access介绍 5

    2.4  ASP.NET三层架构 5

    3  需求分析与总体设计 6

    3.1  系统的特色介绍 6

    3.3  需求分析 9

    3.4  三层架构类图分析 9

    3.5  三层架构间的引用关系 11

    4  数据库的设计分析 11

    4.1  E-R图 11

    4.2  数据库结构分析 15

    4.3  数据库与数据库连接 19

    5  网站部分功能详细实现 20

    5.1  产品管理模块 20

    5.2  订单管理模块 22

    5.3  新闻管理模块 25

    总结分析 36

    参考文献 37

    致谢: 38

    1  引言


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