
    摘要:如今的生活变化非常的大,特别实在互联网发展这样蓬勃的时代。现在是 数字化、网络化、信息化发展的新新社会。为了方便普通高校对学生的管理,在临近毕业时,特别以学生信息管理系统的设计与开发为毕业设计的题目,也是想借这个机会了巩固自己几年来所学的知识,这个学生管理系统主要分成四大模块,分别是系统、学生基本成绩、学生基本情况、通讯录等模块。学生基本情况是对学生基本信息的存储。而通讯录主要是对学生基本情况的浏览。至于成绩信息,主要是管理用户的成绩。在指导老师的帮助下,已经基本上成功地实现了设计要求。我主要用Java 和前端模块两种制作,在与数据库链接时,采用了使用mysql驱动程序数据控件来访问数据库。这个是系统的主要功能是实现用户和管理员对本管理人员各种信息的添加、修改、删除、查询等功能。主要是采用浏览器端-服务器端的这种模式。用户可以通过浏览器端直接访问。使用起来比较方便。70693

    毕业论文关键词: B/S架构;mysql操作;SpringBoot应用;管理系统模型;用户体验

    Design and Development of Student Information Management System Based on B / S

    Abstract: Today's life changes are very large, especially in the Internet to develop such a thriving era. Now is the digital, network, information technology development of the new new society. In order to facilitate the management of students in ordinary colleges and universities, in the near graduation, especially in the student information management system design and development for the graduation project design, but also want to take this opportunity to consolidate their knowledge of the past few years, the student management system Divided into four modules, namely the system, the basic results of students, students basic situation, address book and other modules. The basic situation of students is the storage of basic information about students. And the address book is mainly on the basic situation of the students browse. As for the results of information, mainly to manage the user's results. With the help of the instructor, has basically successfully achieved the design requirements. I mainly use Java and front-end module two production, in the link with the database, using the use of mysql driver data control to access the database. This is the main function of the system is to achieve the user and the administrator of the management of a variety of information to add, modify, delete, query and other functions. Mainly using the browser side - the server side of this model. Users can access directly through the browser. Use more convenient.

    Keywords: B / S architecture; mysql operation; SpringBoot application; management system model; user experience


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 项目名称 1

    1.1.1 用户的特点 1

    1.1.2 项目开发目标 1

    1.1.3 系统功能规格 2

    1.2 提交报告形式 2

    1.3 支持条件与限制 2

    1.4  开发与使用环境

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