



    Abstract As a big port in China, Guangzhou port has the function of goods transportation since ancient times. Since modern times, Guangzhou has been developing rapidly. With the rapid development of economy and the increase of import and export volume, the original port size is unable to meet the needs of the port. So the further construction of the port is put on the agenda. Guangzhou Xinsha has good natural conditions, and the original old wharf is unable to meet the increasing amount of cargo. So this time,a twenty thousand-ton  container terminal, in order to promote the economic development of Guangzhou is designed to be built.

    The design of the container terminal is designed primarily for the main wharf. There is no detailed calculation of the living area of the rear area. The main content of the design includes the following content: computing terminal layout, panel, stringer calculation, calculation of beam, computed by ship components, construction organization design.

    Keywords: Guangzhou port、container terminal、wharf

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 码头现状及意义 1

    1.2 集装箱码头 1

    1.3 广州港建设集装箱码头可行性 2

    1.4 结论 5

    第二章  设计资料 6

    2.1 水文资料 6

    2.2 气象资料 6

    2.3 地质资料 7

    2.4 地震 8

    第三章  码头平面布置 9

    3.1 总平面布置原则 9

    3.2 码头建设规模 9

    3.3 码头泊位数确定 10

    3.4 码头主要尺寸 12

    3.5 码头水域平面布置 13

    3.6 码头陆域平面布置 16

    3.7 结构选型 19

    第四章  码头荷载计算 21

    4.1 码头荷载内容 21

    4.2 堆货荷载 21

    4.3 船舶荷载 21

    第五章  面板计算 27

    5.1 计算原则 27

    5.2 计算跨度 27

    5.3 作用效应分析 30

    5.4 作用效应组合 38

    5.5 面板配筋计算 41

    5.6 面板抗裂验算 44

    5.7 面板抗冲切验算

  1. 上一篇:上海临港新城东港区公用码头工程设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:上海浦东某集装箱码头结构规范设计+CAD图纸
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