



    Abstract The design of Shanghai Lingang New City port,which ranges from the west of Luchao Port to the east of special terminal for electrically large,has long coastline of 760 m.It is less than 180 km to Shanghai,and can arrive Changzhou,Wuxi in two hours.The distance from Lingang New City port to nanjing and Yangtze river is not very long,too.In conditions of load and unload ability,It is far better than the others depending on the fast traffic.Shanghai port is based on the city of Shanghai and the Yangtze River,whose economic hinterland is very broad,including the 31 provinces and cities nationwide.Port of Shanghai,whose water and land transportation is very convenient,can send cargoes to everywhere we want.

    The design includes the design of each component of the high pile wharf, the general layout and construction organization design of the wharf. In the process of design, I try to make use of the design specifications, and strive to make every work to achieve scientific and reasonable works.

    Keywords:standing pile whar;panel;stringer;beam;construction organization

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 国内港口发展情况 1

    1.2 上海港概况 2

    1.3 高桩码头的发展 2

    1.4 工程意义 3

    第二章 设计资料 4

    2.1 设计依据 4

    2.2 设计水位 4

    2.3 气象条件 5

    2.3.1 风况 5

    2.3.2 降雪 5

    2.3.3 降水 5

    2.3.4 雾况 5

    2.3.5 冰雹 5

    2.3.6 气温 6

    2.4 地震 6

    2.5 水文 6

    2.6 地质资料 6

    2.7 建筑物结构等级 7

    2.8 设计船型 7

    第三章 码头平面布置 8

    3.1 码头主要尺度 8

    3.1.1 码头前沿顶高程 8

    3.1.2 码头前沿设计水深 8

    3.1.3 泊位数确定 9

    3.1.4 码头长度

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