


    1. 完成中频信号采集与系统控制板卡的加工焊接及调试。

    2. 完成了电路的FPGA程序设计,包括:数据采集、处理、传输,系统控制等功能。

    3. 完成了成像系统外场实验,验证了整个设计的正确性。初步测试结果表明,该系统距离维分辨率为0.44m,方位维分辨率为0.5m。

    毕业论文关键词  合成孔径雷达  数据采集与控制  FPGA程序设计  外场实验


    Title    Data Acquisition and Control Circuit  Design of The Ground SAR Imaging System 


    Synthetic aperture radar(SAR) is a kind of radar system whose high resolution is achieved with large antenna aperture that is synthesized by the motion of a small antenna as well as using specific signal processing algorithms. All-time and all-weather observations can be obtained by SAR,   and the system is of great importance in the military field applications. Target camouflage effect detection is discussed in this thesis, and the development of an X-band continuous wave mode ground-based SAR is presented in detail. The thesis is organized as follows:

    1.The processing,soldering and debugging of the board for IF signal acquisition and system control are completed.

    2.The FPGA program of the circuit, concerning: data acquisition, processing, transmission, system control functions ect. are completed.

    3.The outfield experiments of the imaging system are carried out to verify the correctness of the entire design. Preliminary results show the system resolution of the distance dimension is 0.44m, and the azimuth-dimensional resolution is 0.5m.

    Keywords  SAR  data acquisition and control  FPGA programming  outfield      experiment

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究动态 1

    1.3  本文主要内容 2

    2  地面SAR成像系统原理与系统组成 3

    2.1  SAR距离维成像原理 3

    2.2  SAR方位维成像原理 4

    2.3  地面SAR成像系统结构 6

    3  中频信号采集与系统控制板卡电路设计与调试 12

    3.1  采集与控制电路结构与功能 12

    3.2  采集与控制电路原理图设计 13

    3.3  采集与控制电路调试测试 25

    4  中频信号采集与系统控制FPGA程序设计与验证 28

    4.1  FPGA程序总体流程 28

    4.2  FPGA程序设计与验证 28

    5  地面SAR成像系统集成与外场测试 45

    5.1  系统集成 45

    5.2  T/R组件故障及解决办法

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