
    摘要在常规数字阵列以及有源相控阵雷达系统中,多通道高速信号采集与自适应 DBF 处理系统以及信号处理系统间的高速数据传输越来越多地采用多通道光纤数 据传输技术。本文以 Xilinx 公司的 Kintex-7 系列的 FPGA 为载体,利用 PCIe 总线, 光纤以及 DDR3 数据存储等技术,设计的多通道光纤数据采集卡,达到较高的性能 指标,满足了一般使用要求。68444

    本文的多通道光纤数据采集卡的设计核心是 PCIe 协议以及 Aurora 协议,具 体研究内容如下:

    1、在设计整个多通道数据采集卡的过程中,研究了 FPGA 设计流程,PCIe 接 口协议,光纤传输协议以及 DDR3 缓存技术等。

    2、在分析了系统的设计要求后,研究了系统各个子模块硬件部分的设计方法, 并介绍了具体实现。

    3、利用 FPGA 设计来实现各个子模块的逻辑设计,包括 PCIe 接口逻辑、DDR3 缓存的逻辑设计、光纤传输协议的逻辑设计、组帧模块的设计等,以及顶层逻辑 的设计。


    毕业论文关键词 FPGA、光纤数据采集、 PCI Express 总线、 DDR3

    Title The design of multi-channel fiber data   acquisition

    Abstract card with PCIe bus

    In conventional digital array and active phased array radar system, high speed data transmission of multi-channel high-speed signal acquisition and DBF adaptive processing system, and signal processing systems are increasingly using multi-channel fiber data transmission technology. In this paper, the multi-channel fiber optic data acquisition card, based on the Xilinx company Kintex-7 series FPGA, using the PCIe bus, optical fiber and DDR3 data storage technologies etc., is designed to achieve higher performance to meet the general requirements.

    In this paper,design core of the multi-channel fiber data acquisition card is PCIe protocol and Aurora protocol, specific research work is as follows:

    1、During the design of the entire multi-channel data acquisition card, study the FPGA design flow, PCIe interface protocol, optical fiber transmission protocol and DDR3 cache technology.

    2、After analyzing the design requirements of the system, study the design of each sub-module hardware, and describes the specific implementation methods.

    3、Using FPGA design to implement the logic design of each sub-module, such as PCIe interface logic, design DDR3 cache logic, fiber optic transmission protocol, as well as top-level logic design.

    4、Do some functional simulation for each sub-modules and the entire system, and test some important performance indicator of the system.


    Keywords FPGA, PCI Express bus, fiber data acquisition, DDR3

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景与意义 1

    1.2 研究历史与现状分析 1

    1.3 本文内容及安排 2

    2 相关技术简介 3

    2.1 FPGA 设计方法 3

    2.2 PCIe 总线的研究与分析 4

    2.3 DDR3 缓存技术的研究与分析

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