    摘要:    广义来说,电子商务是指电子工具在商务活动中的应用。狭义来说,电子商务是在技术、经济高度发达的现代社会里,掌握信息技术和商务规则的人,系统化运用电子网络工具,高效率、低成本、安全、方便地从事以商品交换为中心的各种经济事务活动。
    本课题主要基于电子商务的基本原理,运用PHP开发技术搭建一个动态的网上商城的电子商务网站。它是在Windows系统环境下,以Mysql数据库开发平台,Apache网络信息服务器,采用PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor)技术开发的网上购物系统。本系统分为前台与后台两部分组成,前台主要针对消费者,主要包括商品展示、会员注册、购物车管理、商品收藏管理、订单管理等功能模块;后台由管理员使用,主要包括商品管理、进货管理、订单管理、系统管理等功能模块。通过这些功能的实现,给商家提供一个动态、交互式、具有商品提供、系统管理等功能的电子商务平台。10355
    Online Shopping Platform
    Abstract:     Broadly speaking, e-commerce refers to the electronic tools application in business activities. Narrowly speaking, e-commerce is highly advanced in technology and economy of modern society, master of information technology and business rules, the systematic use of electronic network tools, high efficiency, low cost, safe and convenient to engage in Commodity Exchange as the center of the various economic affairs activities.
    This subject mainly based on the basic principle of electronic commerce, using PHP technique to build a dynamic online shop e-commerce site. It is under the Windows environment, with Mysql database development platform, the Apache server of network information, using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) technology development of online shopping system. This system is pided into two parts: foreground and background. The front desk mainly aimed at consumers, mainly including commodity exhibition, collection membership registration, shopping cart management, commodity management, order management and other functional modules; The background by the administrator use, mainly including commodity management, purchase management, order management, system management function module, etc. Through the realization of the function of these, for merchants to provide a dynamic, interactive, with commodities, systems management, and other functions of e-commerce platform.
    Keywords:    E-commerce;Online shopping; Database development; PHP Technology; Dynamic Website Development

    1 绪论    4
    1.1 电子商务概述    4
    1.2 Web服务器平台与Web平台的动态设计技术    4
    1.3 Web平台系统的开发方法    6
    2 系统分析    7
    2.1 开发背景与开发意义    7
    2.1.1 开发背景    7
    2.1.2 系统开发的意义    7
    2.2 可行性分析    8
    2.2.1 技术可行性分析    8
    2.2.2 操作可行性分析    8
    2.2.3 经济可行性分析    8
    2.3 需求分析    8
    2.3.1 初步调查    8
    2.3.2 用户需求分析    9
    2.3.3 购物流程图    9
    2.3.4 数据流图    10
    2.3.5 数据字典    12
    3 概要设计    15
    3.1 总体方案设计    15
    3.1.1 系统目标    15
    3.1.2 划分子系统    15
    3.1.3 系统结构总体设计    15
    3.1.4 系统运行环境要求    15
    3.2 数据库设计    16
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