    关键词: 网站开发;手机网站;ASP;动态网站开发技术;动态网页
    The Analysis and Design of Huaxing mobile phone sales management system
    Abstract: The number of Chinese e-commerce site, but the development and implementation of mobile phone sales management system in our country, after all, is still in the initial stage, able to adapt to market development, provided to the customers the best quality service system is not much. Its development is still subject to a number of objective and subjective factors, we first start from the design of mobile phone sales management system, the Chinese mobile phone market at home and abroad, the construction of e-commerce sites the presence of various views, issues, and the results of in-depth study and put forward their views and questions. Second, the system pages using Dreamweaver CS4 production, back-end database by Access support and active website by ASP language. Software engineering methods, the development of a simple mobile phone sales management system, combined with user needs Register landing, browse, purchase, and reduce user costs while also saving a lot of time to provide users with a great convenience; technical difficulties were analyzed according to the website development, to some extent increase the technical content of the website development.
    Keywords: Website development; mobile site; ASP; dynamic website development technology; dynamic web page.
    目  录
    一、    绪论    5
    (一)    课题研究的背景    5
    (二)    选题的目的和意义    6
    (三)手机销售管理系统的现状和发展趋势    7
    1、手机销售管理系统的现状    7
    2、手机销售管理系统的发展趋势    7
    二、    课题设计的相关技术    8
    (一)网站开发相关技术介绍    8
    1、 ASP技术简介    8
    2、 ACCESS基础介绍    9
    3、 HTML语言    9
    4、 ASP服务器环境构建    9
    三、    网站项目规划    11
    ( 一 )  华兴手机销售管理系统的系统规划与分析    11
    1、 问题的提出    11
    2、 需求调查    11
    3、 设计目标    12
    4、 需求分析    12
    (二) 华兴手机销售管理系统的系统分析    12
    1、 功能描述    12
    2、 可行性分析    13
    3、 系统流程分析    13
    四、 华兴手机销售管理系统的总体及概要设计    15
    (一) 华兴手机销售管理系统的总体设计    15
    1、开发平台    15
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