     关键词: 直流电子负载;恒流;单片机;过压保护;
    Title   Dc electronic load design based on MSP430                         
    This design is based on MSP430f6638 microcontroller to control chip of a dc electronic load. Analog part adopts the field effect tube as the main circuit switch tube, using single-chip microcomputer with D/A converter output control signals to drive the op-amp and constant current circuit, composed of field effect tube. At the same time, the MCU own 12 bit A/D converter for electric signal sampling, can real-time display the current in the circuit on the LCD screen size. MCU can carry on the real-time sampling and real-time control to the output current, ma reached 0 ~ 1000 ma range resolution less than 20 ma constant current control. And the voltage is greater than 10 v dc electronic load at both ends, can be protected. Constant current value can be set through the pressed key input, on the sections of the LCD display, has good man-machine interactive.
    Keywords: dc electronic load; Constant current; Single chip microcomputer; Over voltage protection;
    1绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究目的和意义    1
    1.3  本设计的功能和指标    2
    2系统方案分析    2
    2.1系统总体框图设计    2
    2.2系统方案选择    3
       2.2.1 控制芯片    3
       2.2.2 输入设备    3
       2.2.3 显示设备    3
       2.2.4 恒流模块    4
       2.2.5 数模转换模块    4
       2.2.6 过压保护模块    4
    3 系统硬件设计    5
    3.1  恒流模块    5
    3.1.1 场效应管简介    5
    3.1.2 运算放大器OP07    6
    3.1.3 采样电阻    6
    3.1.4 恒流电路构成    7
    3.2过压保护模块设计    9
    3.2.1 稳压二极管    9
    3.2.2 继电器    10
    3.2.3 过压保护电路构成            11
    3.3  单片机最小系统的设计    12
    3.3.1  MSP430单片机简介    13
    3.3.2  DY-FFTB6638平台使用    15
    4 系统软件设计    18
    4.1编译环境    18
    4.2主程序流程图    18
    4.3初始化程序    18
    4.4按键程序    19
    4.5 AD采样程序    19
    4.6 DA转换程序    20
    4.7 液晶显示程序    20
    5 调试和测试过程中的问题分析    21
    5.1采样电阻    21
    5.2 电路零漂的问题    22
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