    关键词: 环锤式破碎机;转子;锤头
    The design of PCH - 600 × 600 ring hammer crusher rotor
    Abstract:This paper mainly introduces the working principle of ring hammer crusher rotor, and the check calculation to optimize the strength of key parts of the overall structure of the crusher, and also analyzed its advantages and disadvantages and application scope, then the improved design of the rotor and the selection of hammer head material provides the reasonable parameters, which can shorten the product development cycle, improve the reliability of the product, finally to the operation of the whole machine, has carried on the detailed instructions, installation and maintenance for crusher provide reference for the selection and use of coal enterprises. I designed Φ 600 x 600 ring hammer crusher is single rotor and irreversible, this design mainly around the working principle of hammer crusher design, in the process of design focus on the basic theory of ring hammer crusher, structure and important parameters for the design and calculation, especially for hammer and the focus of the rotor part of the design.
    Key word: Ring hammer crusher; The rotor; The head of Hammer
    1 绪论
      1.1 环锤式破碎机的工作原理    1
    1.2 环锤式破碎机的应用 .1
    1.3 环锤式破碎机类型 .2
    1.4环锤式破碎机优缺点 2
    1.4.1环锤式破碎机的优点    2
    1.4.2 环锤式破碎机的缺点    2
    1.5 环锤式破碎机研究的目的和意义    2
    1.5.1 环锤式破碎机研究的目的    2
    1.5.2 环锤式破碎机研究的意义    3
    1.6 矿石的力学性能与环锤式破碎机的选择 .3
    1.7 破碎过程的实质 .4
    1.8 环锤式破碎机的发展 .4
    2 环锤式破碎机的常用型号及转子结构    8
    2.1 环锤式破碎机的常用型号 .8
    2.2 环锤式破碎机结构分析    8
    3 结构参数的计算与选择    14
    3.1 基本参数    14
    3.2 基本结构参数的计算与选择 14
    3.2.1 转子直径    14
    3.2.2 转子长度    14
    3.3 主要结构参数的设计计算    15
    3.3.1 转子的转速    15
    3.3.2 生产率的计算 15
    3.3.3 电机功率的计算    15
    3.4 传动方案的选择    15
    4 主要零部件的设计计算及强度校核    18
    4.1 轴的最小直径估算及校核    18
    4.2 各轴段参数的确定    19
    4.3 主轴的强度计算及校核    21
    4.4 轴的材料的选择.18
    4.5 轴上零件的定位 25
    4.6 提高疲劳强度的途径    25
      4.7 轴承的选择及校核    26
      4.7.1 轴承材料及类型的选择    26
      4.7.2 轴承的计算寿命校核    27
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