




    Abstract With the development of modern industry, the service condition of engineering components is complex.The traditional performance testing criterion sometimes cannot really reflect the service features, regular performance test by slow loading determination methods, such as through tensile test and bending test to get the component durability test. But in fact, because of the difference of loading speed, under the condition of high load, and also have different requirements for components, thus there is the differences of performance testing, using high-speed impact dynamic load test is aimed at simulating the actual working conditions of engineering components as far as possible, provide real test data for the engineering design.

    This design is mainly engaged in the shock machine shock endurance test bench is designed, motorcycle shock absorber is one of the key components, is shouldering the vehicle's many important properties: to the body and riding load quality elastic support, decided to a motorcycle carrying capacity; Front and rear wheels will be attached to a body, front and beating trajectory, cooperate with handlebar provides direction adjustment, and to improve the steering stability.

    The shock machine absorber shock durability test-bed design involving mechanical, transmission and control, testing technology, control engineering, etc., front fork with basic ideas derived from the drop impact test bed of material testing machine, on the one hand, it makes full use of the dynamic load characteristic of the hammer material testing machine, on the other hand it innovative applied to motorcycle front fork of shock absorber, he is addition to the existing durability test, is to the front fork under the impact dynamic load characteristic test, meet the needs of using quality strives for the development of the enterprise.

    Key words: shock machine; Motorcycle shock absorber; Control circuit


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 摩托车减震器测试系统概况 1

    1.1.1 摩托车的历史 1

    1.1.2 摩托车减震器的作用 1

    1.1.3 减震器试验系统的类型 2

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