    关键词: 抓取盘;抓取钢针;气缸传动
    The system design of the grasping plate for the sponge cushion
    Abstract: Since twenty-first Century, robot technology develops rapidly as one of the forefront of high-technology, and robots are widely used in all walks of life. In industry, it is mainly used for welding, assembly, handling, processing, spraying, palletizing and other complex operations. Robot technology is the innovative and high technology, which combines multi-disciplinarians, such as computer, control theory, mechanism, information and sensor technology, artificial intelligence, bionics. The application of robot represents a national high-tech level and the degree of industrial automation.
    At present, the domestic automatic palletizing and handling equipment mainly rely on imports, domestic equipment manufacturers is relatively few and handling robot technology is not very mature. The contradiction between low efficiency and yield increasing of our manual is prominent increasingly, therefore the research of the robot has great economic meaning and  
    the practical significance.Dyeing kettle diameter pipe and liquid distributor and nozzle, dye tank barrel body and the clamp using high-pressure connecting thread, and check the strength of the thread needs to check.
    The system application of mechanical hand is used in moving, grasping with the sponge cushion as the object studies in this topic. Mechanical part and drive part of the robot are designed according to the sponge cushion handling condition. The grabbing plate of the sponge cushion is no longer the manipulator in the traditional sense. According to the size of the sponge cushion, design a dedicated manipulator. It can handle the sponge cushion in a rapid and reliable way.
    Keywords: grasping plate;grasping needle;cylinder drive
    1绪论    1
    1.1 机械手的背景及意义    1
    1.1.1 机械手的现状    1
    1.1.2 机械手的意义    1
    1.2 机械手技术进展    2
    1.2.1 国内研究现状    2
    1.2.2 国外研究现状    4
    1.2.3 海绵垫针式抓取盘系统工作原理    5
    1.2.4 海绵垫针式抓取盘设计的创新点和难点    6
    1.2.5 发展趋势    6
    1.3 存在的问题分析    6
    1.4 本课题主要任务    6
    2 总方案的设计    7
    2.1 设计原则    8
    2.2 工况分析    8
    2.2.1 工作对象简介    8
    2.2.2 工作要求    9
    2.3 机械手的组成    9
    2.3.1 执行机构    9
    2.3.2 驱动机构    10
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