    关键词  家庭服务 机器人 仿人手臂
    Title    Omni-directional mobile home service robot——   
         Design and implementation of robotic arm for grabbing   
    China has become the world's largest robots and intelligent equipment industry market in 2014.And this year was called: "the first year of Chinese robot ". However, the robots industrial can not fully meet the market demands, especially for the home service robot. Limited to the technology and cost, the home service robots are mainly used in cleaning, but can't be used to do more complex works. In this paper, we summarized the research of the home service robot at home and abroad in recent years. Based on the key technology of service robot arm, we design a humanoid robotic arm suitable for home service robot. The design of the arm is based on humanoid arm, It consists of six degrees of freedom: the waist turning is controlled by a DC servo motor, the arm swing and the forearm swinging is driven by DC motor with a harmonic reducer, and using absolute encoder to form a servo system, The three degrees of freedom of the wrist is controlled by the rudder. The control system of the arm is placed inside the service robot's body.
    Keywords  Home service   robot   humanoid arm
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.2.1  国外研究现状    1
    1.2.2  国内研究现状    3
    1.3  本课题的研究目及要求    4
    2  机器人手臂方案设计    5
    2.1  机械臂结构设计    5
    2.2  自由度分配    5
    2.3  机械臂构型简图    6
    2.4  关节参数分配    9
    3  运动学分析    10
    4  静力学分析及设计选型    13
    4.1  手爪回转关节    14
    4.2  腕部摆动关节    14
    4.3  腕部回转关节    15
    4.4  小臂摆动关节    16
    4.5  大臂摆动关节    19
    4.6  腰部回转关节    21
    4.7  选型数据汇总    22
    5  总体结构设计及部件设计    23
    5.1  腰部回转关节    23
    5.2  大臂结构设计    24
    5.3  小臂及腕部结构设计    25
    5.4  机械手爪结构    26
    5.5  机械臂总体设计    26
    6  机器人身体设计    28
    7  主要部件受力分析及校核    31
    7.1  腰部回转平台分析    31
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