    对车架纵梁进行有限元分析。首先通过Pro/E绘图软件绘制车架实体模型图,然后将模型导入workbench中进行分析。选取solid实体单元,材料Q235的基本属性是弹性模量 ,密度 ,泊松比 。通过车架整体结构默认划分网格;对于车架,主要对纵梁上翼面施加均匀载荷,对牵引板和中间车轴处施加约束条件。分析表明最大应力出现在工况1中的 ,出现在中间车轴处的连接横梁处,下于材料许用应力,满足要求;最大变形出现在工况2中,最大变形 ,满足设计要求。
    Semitrailer frame structure design and finite element analysis
    With the continuous development of the domestic transportation market, semi trailer frame is widely used in the industry of automobile and transportation industry, and become a preferred means of transport of, demand continued to increase, for safety and economic requirements higher, but the traditional design method can not meet the semi-trailer frame development requirements. Traditional semi trailer frame design is mainly by the safety coefficient method, the calculation should force deformation is smaller than the maximum allowable amount of the design, the advantages of this design method is guarantees security of the frame, but ignore the lightweight design of the frame, the frame becomes unwieldy. In this paper, the use of the finite element method for the design of the frame, the method is widely used in China and abroad. The advantages of the frame are the safety of the frame, and can lighten the weight of the frame, and meet the requirements of the lightweight design..
    According to the working status and the characteristics of the load, the structure size of the frame is determined, and the appropriate material is selected.. By bending force to determine the size of beam section size, beams and other structural parts, and for longitudinal strength and rigidity check.
    Finite element analysis of the frame beam. Firstly, the frame solid model chart is drawn by Pro/E drawing software, and then the model is imported into workbench for analysis.. The basic attribute of solid is the elastic modulus , density , Poisson's ratio of Q235 entity element . By default mesh frame structure; for the frame, mainly on the upper wing surface of the longitudinal beam applied uniform load and the traction plate and the middle axle position constraint conditions are imposed. Analysis shows that the maximum stress in condition 1, the intermediate axle connected with the cross beam at, than the material allowable stress, meet the requirements; maximum deformation in condition 2, maximum deformation meet the design requirements.
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