    The design of the column tube cooler
    Abstract:Over the past 20 years,  the heat exchange equipment has been widely used in energy storage,transform,recycle,new energy utilization,and the pollution control。And it`s a general equipment in many industry,like chemical industry, oil refining, food, light industry, energy, medicine, machinery and many others。In chemical industry,Heat transfer equipment investment by 10% to 20% of the total investment;In oil refining,it`s 35% to 40%. Besides, it`s also an effective device when recycling waste heat, Especially in the low grade heat energy. Improving the overall utilization of heat energy, Reducing the fuel consumption and power consumption and improve the economic benefits of industrial production.
        This article is according to the title of Shell and tube heat exchanger to take a rational selection and make design. Content includes heat exchanger type selection, thermodynamic calculation, structural design, intensity, etc., the design of a variety of qualitative and quantitative factors, and their mutual influence and mutual dependency are discussed ,so that to optimizing the heat exchanger design.
    Key words:Heat exchanger; Shell and tube cooler; Fixed tube plate; Thermodynamic calculation
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 研究的目的及意义    1
    1.3 国内外换热器的研究进展与主要成果    1
    1.4 不同结构列管式换热器的比较    4
    1.5 列管式换热器的强化传热技术    5
    1.6 研究内容    6
    2. 设计计算    7
    2.1 热力计算    7
    2.1.1 流体物性参数    7
    2.1.2 其他参数计算    7
    2.1.3 估算传热面和传热面结构    8
    2.1.4 管程计算    10
    2.1.5 壳程结构及壳程计算    10
    2.1.6 传热面积与壳侧壁温    14
    2.2 阻力计算    15
    2.2.1 管程总阻力    15
    2.2.2 壳程总阻力    16
    3. 细部结构计算    19
    3.1 壳体、管箱和封头的设计    19
    3.1.1 壳体圆筒设计    19
    3.1.2 管箱壁厚计算    20
    3.1.3 封头设计    21
    3.2 固定管板    22
    3.2.1 管板与管箱的连接设计    23
    3.2.2 管板与壳体的连接设计    23
    3.2.3 管板和法兰的连接    23
    3.2.4 管板与换热管的连接    24
    3.2.5 管板厚度    25
    3.3 换热管    26
    3.3.1 换热管的规格和尺寸偏差    26
    3.3.2 换热管中心距    26
    3.3.3 管子的排列型式    26
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