
    关词:矫直机 传动 减速器设计 同步带轮
     Two Roll Straightener improvement of the design (transmission)
    Abstract: The graduation project topic is two roll straightener improved design ( drive ) . The design is basic knowledge and expertise learned in four years of college design utilization. Taking into account the practical leveler , the existing two-roll straightening machine , you need to be improved in durability, efficiency , weight, accuracy , or cost. With the development of technology, precision straightening machine at home and abroad have become increasingly demanding .
    In the selection of the motor, gear ratio considering the size, weight and gear motor and transmission device , select the type of motor Y3-160m-4 's .
    In the choice of wheels , in order to improve the accuracy of the workpiece , reduce costs, ensure the transmission ratio leveler , using a timing belt wheel drive option.
    In the choice of reducer , in order to ensure smooth transmission, the transmission ratio accurate , reliable, high efficiency , long life, and a large enough torque , using a simple structure, gear position asymmetric expansion of cylindrical gear reducer design . Away from the high-speed stage gear arranged in the torque input shaft torque effect can produce torsional deformation and bending deformation partially cancel each axis bending moment produced in order to slow down the uneven load distribution along the width of the tooth phenomenon . Improvements in gear , using a helical gear , you can ensure a large enough torque and accurate transmission of material gear strength were carried out to select and check . Meanwhile , the choice of the axis were calculated and checked.
    Keywords : straightening machine  design  belt wheel drive reducer
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 选题背景    1
    1.3 设计目的与意义    1
    2国内外矫直技术的发展概况(文献综述)    2
    2.1 国外的发展情况    2
    2.1.1 三菱重工矫直机    2
    2.1.2 热矫直机    3
    2.2 我国的发展情况    4
    2.3 辊式矫直机的发展趋势    5
    3 二辊矫直机工作原理    6
    3.1矫直棒材的基本原理    6
    3.2斜辊矫直机的分类    6
    3.3斜二辊矫直机概况    6
    3.4辊矫直机的工作原理    7
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