    摘要: 木文首先对课题的总体情况作了描述,简要的描述了当前物流行业发展的状况以及倾板式分拣系统当前的技术状况,指出了该课题研究的必要性以及课题研究的主要内容。为了对该题的研究有更深的理解,文章系统的描述了倾板式分拣系统的布局及系统组成模块的情况。点介绍了供件系统、分拣系统、驱动系统以及分拣控制系统的功能以及工作原理。为了系统的对倾板式分拣系统进行设计,必须对分拣各个环节都要充分的了解,因此在研究课题的过程中要查阅各种相关资料,通过查阅资料了解分拣机分拣系统工作原理。经过详细工程设计的各模块运用三文软件进行三文造型,并在软件环境中根据需要的规模将一定数的部件装配成一段局部的模拟样机,并出二文图纸。最后,该论文对于在研究过程中的情况以及工作中不足的地方进行总结。20507
    Pour plate sorter crossing the main conveyer and     sorting mechanism design
    Abstract: Wood paper first describes the overall situation made the subject of a brief description of the current status of development of the logistics industry and the tilt plate sorting system current state of technology , pointed out the necessity of the main contents of the research and the research topic. In order to study the question of a deeper understanding of the situation described in the article system dump plate sorting system layout and system composed of modules. Point describes the functions for file systems , sorting systems, drive control systems and sorting systems and works. For the system to tilt the plate sorting system design, sorting must be a full understanding of all aspects , so the research process to access all relevant information , through access to information to understand sorter sorting system works . Each module through the use of detailed engineering design three-dimensional software for three-dimensional modeling and software environment based on the scale required a certain number of parts assembled into a period of partial simulation prototype , and the two-dimensional drawings. Finally, the papers in the case and place in the research process work inadequate summary.
    Keywords : Pour plate sorters,;automated sorting ; sorting systems.
     目       录
    1.绪论    1
    1.1选题的意义及背景    1
    1.2国内外发展情况    3
    1.3本文的主要研究内容    4
    1.4课题关键与难点    4
    1.4.1分拣机运行阻力的确定    4
    1.4.2分拣部分    4
    2.倾板式分拣系统的总体布局及结构    4
    2.1总体布局    4
    2.2主要组成部分概述    5
    2.2.1供件系统    5
    2.2.2供包机系统组成    6
    2.2.3上件控制    6
    2.2.4包裹分拣机的自动对中    6
    2.2.5分拣主体系统    7
    2.2.6传动系统    8
    2.2.7分拣控制系统    8
    2.3主要技术性能指标和参数    9
    2.4 电动机的选择    10
    2.4.1电机功率初步计算    10
    2.4.2电缸的选择    11
    2.5皮带的选择    13
    2.6滚筒轴心的设计    17
    3 校核    18
    3.1电机功率的验算    18
    3.2轴的校核    19
    3.3键的校核    22
    4 控制系统的设计    22
    4.1控系统慨述    22
    4.2分拣机的PLC控制    23
    4.2.1分拣机的控制要求    23
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