    毕业论文关键词: 磁流变减振器;泡沫金属;磁流变液;ANSYS;磁场仿真;优化设计
    Optimization design of metal foam  magnetorheological absorber
    Abstract: Magnetorheological(MR) absorber is a new adjustable MR damper with MR fluid serving as carrying liquid, and because of its low power consumption, fast response, controllable, continuously adjustable damping force and so on, in recent years, (MR) absorber vibration has been widely used in control machinery, automotive and civil engineering and other fields. However, the conventional magnetorheological absorber is mainly used for low frequency, long trip, but for a slightly higher frequency of vibration damping efficiency is not satisfactory, mainly because of the smaller annular gap, magneto-rheological fluid from one chamber flowing to the other chamber takes a long time, so it is not suitable for high-frequency vibration control, and controllable conventional shock absorber damping is smaller, magnetorheological absorbers able to make for a slightly higher frequency and vibration control the damping force is larger, the hole can be taken to increase the number of the damping solution. Metal foam has some characteristics that it is porous and its voids is small, when the magneto-rheological fluid flow through the pores of the metal foam, a large damping force will be generated. In addition, tMetal foam has performance of cushioning and vibration absorption, combined with its magnetorheological fluid absorber will produce additional shock absorbing cushioning effect. Compared with conventional magnetorheological absorber, the kind of absorber with characteristics of low cost and long life. However, by theoretical calculations found that the damping force of this kind of absorber is lower.In order to improve the the performance of metal foam magnetorheological absorber, I will research this study to optimize the design.
    Keywords: Magnetorheological (MR) absorber; Metal foam; MR fluid; Ansys; Magnetic field simulation; Optimization design
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究意义    1
    1.2 本文的主要研究内容    2
    2 泡沫金属磁流变减振器    3
    2.1 磁流变液阻尼器的发展    3
    2.1.1 国内发展    3
    2.1.2 国外发展    4
    2.1.3 磁流变减振器的应用    5
    2.2 磁流变减振器的工作模式    5
    2.3 泡沫金属磁流变减振器的提出    7
    2.3.1 多孔泡沫金属    7
    2.3.2 泡沫金属磁流变减振器的提出    8
    2.4 泡沫金属磁流变减振器与传统磁流变液减振器对比    9
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