    Design of Wire saw ruins of ancient migration unit
    Abstract:At present,along with national economy high speed development, In the process of urban planning and transformation,it often appears the contradiction of between the existing building and planning problems. However, the emergence  and  development of  migration technology building.It is of great significance to urban construction and retrofit . Its application will produce great economic benefit and social benefit . The design content of wire saw ruins of ancient migration unit mainly includes : the choice and design of the motor, wire saw ,  gantry, guide wheel,  guide rail and  wire saw tensioning device design, etc. The design process  in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and mechanical design criteria for design. Portal frame structure and the layout of the guide wheel is the key portion in design. It affects the quality of a complete set of the migration unit  in the process of cutting ruins  of  ancient buildings. Reference to the design of the related literature in the structure optimization design, the intensity check of main components need to be conducted  . Meanwhile, several selection and calculation of the speed reducer is also an important part of the design . Wire saw ruins of ancient migration unit  is better to solve the current facing problem ruins of ancient buildings.It has the advantages of Small damage effect of the ancient buildings, good resilience, high cutting efficiency, and high degree of automation.
    keywords: Wire saw type; The design of the gantry; The migration unit;  Tensioning device
    1 序言    1
    1.1 前言    1
    1.2 绳锯式古建筑遗址迁移机组概述    1
    1.2.1 绳锯式古建筑遗址迁移机组设计的目的    2
    1.2.2 绳锯式古建筑遗址迁移机组的用途    2
    1.2.3 绳锯式古建筑遗址迁移机组的主要性能参数确定    2
    1.3 设计的研究范围    2
    2.设计内容及设计要求    3
    3. 总体设计方案    3
    4. 绳锯式古建筑遗址迁移机组的设计    4
    4.1绳锯式古建筑遗址迁移机组的工作要求设计    4
    4.2 古建筑遗址迁移龙门架的选择与设计    4
    4.2.1 龙门架结构的选择与设计    6
    4.2.2 龙门架材料的选择与设计    9
    4.3 古建筑遗址迁移机组导向轮的设计    12
    4.3.1导向轮在龙门架上整体布局的设计    12
    4.3.2导向轮的材料与结构的选择与设计    13  
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