    毕业论文关键词: 商用车,K.C分析,操纵稳定性,平顺性,刚柔耦合
    Title  Research on commercial vehicle air  suspension  technology                                         
    Applying virtual prototype technique in the study of vehicle multi-body dynamics is getting more and more important, which can effectively reduce the research of the vehicle by time, greatly reduce the experiment cost, but also greatly improved the quality of the products. The article use the ADAMS/Car software to simulate and analyze the commercial vehicle.
    Firstly,using the spring’s characteristic curve to build the air spring and using  Hyperworks software suspension to generate the modal neutral file process and the flexible body model of spring support .Then spring bracket’s accurate modal neutral files are generated.
    Secondly, analyze the K.C of the torsion bar spring front suspension and air spring  rear suspension to verify that the wheel alignment parameters and suspension stiffness parameters meet the general requirements of automobile design, which lay a good foundation of the car's handling stability and ride comfort analysis.
    Thirdly, the entire vehicle model is created and modified .it consists of eight subsystems: front/rear suspension system, steering system, stabilizer bar system ,front/rear tire system ,body system, braking system and powertrain system . before simulation ,some overall parameters need to adjust.
    At last, according to the national standards, six handling stability simulations and the ride comfort simulations are carried out ,they are steady static circular test, pylon course slalom test,steering step test, steering impulse test, cornering with steer release test,steering portability test,and the ride comfort test of random road test and then processing these results, evaluating these parameters according to national standard. The results show that the  kind of commercial vehicle has better off-road characteristics ,good maneuverability good ride performance and convenient operation, at the same time transient test is sensitive and rapid reacted, which can make people feel comfortable.
    Key words: Commercial vehicle , K.C analysis, handling stability, ride comfort, rigid flexible coupling
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
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