    Design of Φ650 Dephlegmation Tower
    Abstract:Dephlegmation is a method of separating mixtures with different boiling point. At first, heat a mixture. Then cool the material so as to separate pure material on the basis of different boiling point. Dephlegmation operation normally carried out in the tower equipment. Equipment is pided into two towers, plate towers and packed towers. Packed tower has the advantages of simple structure, the flexible installation, low pressure drop, less liquid holdup, large production capacity, high separation efficiency, corrosion resistance, easily deal with foaming, thermal and scaling. In recent years, due to improvements in the structure of packed tower and the development of new type of filler, both to improve the tower and the separation performance through the ability to maintain the pressure drop and small and stable performance characteristics. Therefore, the packed tower has been extended to large gas-liquid operation, and changed the situation of plate tower dominating for a long time. From the design point of view, regardless of plate tower or packed tower, the tower is composed of tower body, skirt, and accessories. With the packed tower of research and development, the packed tower with excellent performance is widely used in industrial production.
    KeyWords:Dephlegmation;Packed tower;Equipment design
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义    1
    1.1.1 塔设备的背景    1
    1.1.2 填料塔    2
    1.1.3 课题研究的意义    2
    1.2 课题研究的内容    3
    1.3 国内外填料塔的研究进展    3
    1.3.1 填料的研究进展    3
    1.3.2 塔内件的研究进展    4
    1.4 课题的创新点    5
    2 塔设备的材料选择    6
    2.1 主体构件的材料选择    6
    2.2 填料的材料选择    7
    3 填料塔的设计参数    9
    3.1 已知设计条件    9
    3.2 填料的高度    9
    4 塔设备的结构设计    11
    4.1 按设计压力计算塔体壁厚    11
    4.2 按设计压力计算封头壁厚    11
    4.3 塔设备质量载荷计算    12
    4.3.1质量载荷    12
    4.3.2 操作质量    13
    4.3.3 最小质量    13
    4.3.4 最大质量    14
    4.4 塔设备的自振周期计算    14
    4.5 地震载荷与地震弯矩计算    14
    4.6 风载荷与风弯矩计算    18
    4.6.1风力计算    18
    4.6.2风弯矩计算    19
    4.7 最大弯矩计算    19
    4.8 圆筒轴向应力校核和稳定校核    20
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