    关键词  变幅机构  差速器  同步驱动
    Title    Design of the electric luffing of dual linear output drive mechanism                                                
        This topic requires a design driven by a single motor drive mechanism luffing dual linear actuator output in the work process requires dual linear actuators can automatically ensure synchronization and to ensure a smooth driving torque . This article is optimized to improve basic telescopic rod from the perspective of luffing mechanism, based on the principles to be applied to the automobile differential luffing mechanism to achieve dual linear synchronous motor-driven single horn. Can be obtained from the relevant issues needed to be lifting machinery , machine guns and institutions, the level of output control synchronous composition data and information throughout the organization point of view roughly motor, reducer, to achieve dual linear output gear, luffing putter, detection devices. After the input torque from the motor to obtain a substantially speed reducer , then the driving torque of the input means of the plunger to the two luffing angle of the arm of the plunger achieved by two amplitude to achieve the raising of the change . Choose different options for the design requirements , design and optimization of transmission schemes luffing drive mechanism , the drive mechanism of the transmission amplitude accuracy and dual output synchronous analysis, finite element strength parts luffing drive mechanism analysis , choose the best program analysis and calculation , the whole system design and use ANSYS software intensity stiffness analysis of key parts .
    keywords  luffing mechanism  Differentials  Synchronous drive
     目 次
    绪论    1
    1 主要设计要求及方案    3
    2 变幅机构的铰点优化    5
    2.1建立变幅机构的受力分析模型    5
    2.2三铰点位置优化    6
    3 螺旋副设计与校核    8
    3.1耐磨性计算    8
    3.2校核螺纹副自锁性    9
    3.3螺杆强度校核    9
    3.4螺母螺纹牙强度校核    10
    3.5螺杆螺母副传递效率η计算    10
    4 螺杆支承部分的零件设计与选型    11
    4.1锥齿轮的设计    11
    4.2轴承的选型与设计    12
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