    关键词:冷却系统;电机座;注射模The cooling system research and the design of motor injection mould
    Abstract: Mainly for the cooling system has carried on the summary. Put emphasizes on the research and design the cooling system. Including: meaning and purpose of the cooling system, the layout of the cooling water channel, mold temperature, injection molding and products quality, the relationship between the effect of cooling rate on the products production efficiency and improve the relevant calculation method, and cooling system, etc. Cooling system calculation include: the heat released and the volume of cooling water flow rate and cooling water velocity of flow in the pipe, tube wall film heat transfer coefficient between cooling water, cooling pipe in the heat transfer area and number of cooling pipe hole open. The design of injection mould from mould material and structure analysis, step by step in accordance with the purpose of molding parts correctly to complete the design of each part of the mold and molding equipment choice, Including: molding parts, distributary channel, gate, pull rod, demoulding mechanism, the design of the cooling water and the choice of injection molding machine and mold frame. And the die structure of parts of the check, including: check, mould clamping force stroke and the filling high of mold respectively.
    Key words: cooling system;the motor seat; injection mould
    目  录
    1  绪论  1
    1.1  注射模具冷却系统设计的重要性 1
    1.2  注射模CAE技术发展现状 1
    1.3  本课题的主要内容及意义 1
    1.4  冷却水路的研究 2
    1.4.1  冷却水路设计目的 3
      1.4.2  冷却速度对制品生产效率的影响及提高的办法 4
      1.4.3  变模温注塑与制品质量 5
      1.4.4  冷却水路的布局 5
    2  塑件工艺分析 8
    2.1  塑件材料特性 8
    2.2  塑件材料成型性能分析 8
      2.3  塑件结构分析 8
    2.4  塑件尺寸精度分析 9
    2.5  塑件表面质量和厚度分析 9
    2.6  结论 9
    3  成型设备选择 10
    3.1 注塑机的初步选择 10
      3.1.1  注塑机参数 10
    3.2 锁模力的校核 11
    3.3 开模行程的校核  12
    3.4 装模高度的校核  12
    4  浇注系统设计 13
    4.1  流道设计 13
    4.2  型腔数目的确定及其分布 13
    4.3  分流道设计 14
    4.4  分流道布局 14
    4.5  分流道的长度 15
    4.6  浇口设计 15
    4.7  拉料杆设计 16
    5  成型部分设计 17
    5.1  成型零件结构设计 17
    5.2  成型零件尺寸计算 17
    6  脱模机构设计 19
    6.1  顶杆的结构形式 19
    6.2  顶出机构的布局 19
    7  冷却系统的有关计算与布局 20
    7.1  冷却系统的有关计算 20
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