    关键词  车架结构  CATIA三文建模  有限元分析  HyperWorks
    Title    The frame structure design of a certain  type electric vehicle                  
    This paper is a study of a certain type of tourist cars electric vehicle frame, the main task of this paper is to design the frame for  the electric vehicle based on the structure and performance of the electric vehicle. The main contents of this paper is to learn the structure and performance requirements clearly, understand the basic structural parameters, and then modeling for the electric vehicle frame structure using the CATIA 3D modeling software,based on a given type of electric car. After the frame model simplification, mesh for the simplified electric vehicle frame model and establish the finite element model of the frame by HyperMesh. Take modal analysis and static analysis for the electric vehicle using  HyperWorks and determine that the design of the electric vehicle frame is reasonable through the results of analysis. Therefore, three-dimensional model is correct, and then draw the two-dimensional drawing for the frame.
    Keywords  Frame structure   Finite element analysis
              CATIA three-dimensional modeling   HyperWorks
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  课题研究内容和方法    4
    2   电动汽车车架结构设计    6
    2.1  电动汽车的结构简况    6
    2.2  车架总体结构方案的确定    7
    2.3  车架辅助件及安装点    8
    2.4  车架的实体模型    10
    2.5  本章小结    11
    3  有限元分析理论及车架有限元模型的建立    12
    3.1  有限元的基本思想及分析步骤    12
    3.2  有限元软件介绍    13
    3.3  车架有限元模型的建立    14
    3.4  本章小结    17
    4  电动汽车车架模态分析    18
    4.1  模态分析概述    18
    4.2  模态分析理论基础    18
    4.3  车架模态的计算与结果分析    19
    4.4  本章小结    24
    5  车架静力学分析    25
    5.1  电动汽车车架设计要求    25
    5.2  电动汽车车架技术指标    25
    5.3  车架静态工况分析    27
    5.4  本章小结    33
    结  论    34
    致  谢    35
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题背景及意义
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