    摘要卷绕式真空镀膜机是自30 年代开始伴随着研究真空镀铝纸而出现的一种真空设备,发展至今, 不少国家已经形成了自己的多种系列产品, 并广泛地把这种设备用于电学膜、光学膜、隔热膜、装饰膜, 磁性膜、商标膜以及金银线、烫金等材料的生产中, 用途遍及国民经济的各个领域。以前工厂大多采用双电机进行驱动,随着社会经济的发展,已不能满足人们对大型材料的加工,在这种情况下,三电机驱动的大中型镀膜机应运而生,因此我们对其进行了设计。
    Winding vacuum coater is starts from the 30's a vacuum device with vacuum aluminized paper and appear. Development so1 far, many countries have already formed a variety of their products, and widely the equipment for electrical film, optical film, heat insulation film, decorative film, magnetic film, trademark film and gold and silver thread, bronzing materials in production, use in various fields of the national economy. Before the factory mostly adopts
    double motor drive, along with the development of social economy, already cannot satisfy people processing of large material, in this case, large coating machine three motor driven emerge as the times require, so we carried on the design.
    This paper focuses on the working principle, characteristics, structure of vacuum coating machine are introduced, calculation and parameter of the coating machine are analyzed, and the calculating and choosing the motor related stick, drive power coating machine is calculated. Part of the design of the straightening machine frame, frame, transmission and so on are not the focus of this design, so here is a brief introduction, this thesis summarizes the design results and related parameters. Because of my limited level, this paper has missed out, also please criticism. Through the design of the topic I more in-depth understanding of the defeat and significance of this subject research.
    Keywords: Coating machine, winding, vacuum
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    目录    3
    第1章 绪论    4
    1.1 课题介绍    4
    1.2 选题背景    4
    1.3 选题意义    6
    1.4 国内外发展现状    7
    1.4.1 在光学应用领域    8
    1.4.2 在半导体器件、大规模集成电路制造的应用领域    10
    1.4.3 电容器、包装和装饰金属化膜材的应用    12
    第2 章 设计方案的论证    13
    2.1 技术参数    13
    2.2卷绕系统及控制    13
    第3章 卷绕式真空镀膜机的组成和工作原理    15
    3.1 真空主体——真空室    15
    3.2 辅助抽气系统    15
    3.3 蒸发系统    19
    3.4 成膜控制系统    20
    第4章 卷绕式真空镀膜机的总体设计    22
    4.1 各部件的设计    22
    4.1.1 输入轴的设计计算    22
    4.1.2 输出轴的设计计算    25
    4.3 轴承的选择计算    26
    4.3.1 轴承的选择    26
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