    毕业论文关键词: 注塑模设计;分型面;侧向抽芯;型芯;型腔
    Inject mold Design of Household shell after the bell
    Abstract: The main task of this subject is the design of injection mold for household shell after the bell , According to the structural characteristics and the requirement of forming quality of the plastic parts, Molding process analysis, determining the process parameters of injection molding process, proposed scheme , complete the structure design of injection mold , molding parts and related theoretical calculation, choose reasonable injection molding machine and mold frame.The main difficult of this design is the solution of mold joint, the two ladder type rectangular protruding and concave shape in vitro and the side parting, so core-pulling mechanism is also necessary and important.The product design requirements for mass production and the cost is cheap, in order to improve production efficiency, the mold design with one module and two cavities water balance arrangement.Casting system with a rectangular side gate, the gate to shorten the cooling time, thus shortening the molding cycle.The use of cylindrical rod ejection mechanism, is easy to machining, easy to ensure its accuracy, easy to ensure its compatibility, and easy to replace.The use of a circulating cooling water cooling system in this design to improve process performance of plastic parts.
    During the design , I have used Moldflow, UG design analysis software. Through these design analysis software, the use of AutoCAD2010 load Yan Xiu finished drawing toolbox assembly drawings and part drawings work to optimize the design parameters and shorten design time and improve design efficiency.
    Key words: inject mold design; lateral core pulling; mold joint; inclined top; core; cavity
    目  录
    1  塑件的工艺分析  1
    1.1  塑件的原材料分析 1
    1.2  塑件的结构和尺寸精度、表面质量分析 2
    1.2.1  结构分析 2
    1.2.2  尺寸精度分析 3
    1.2.3  表面质量分析 3
    2  塑件的体积和重量 4
    2.1  塑件的体积和质量计算 4
    2.2  初选注射机 4
    2.3  注塑机重要参数校核  5
    2.3.1  注射压力的校核 5
    2.3.2  锁模力校核 5
    2.3.3  型腔数量校核 5
    2.4  塑件模塑成型工艺参数的确定 6
    3  注射模的结构设计 8
    3.1  分型面的选择 8
    3.2  型腔数目的确定及型腔的排列 9
    3.3  浇注系统的设计 9
    3.3.1  主流道设计 10
    3.3.2  分流道设计 10
    3.3.3  浇口设计 11
    3.3.4  冷料井设计 14
    3.4  型腔、型芯结构的确定 14
    3.5  推出方式的选择 15
    3.5.1  顶杆顶出机构15
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