




    Title    Design of concentric type recoil system          



    his graduation design is aimed at 105 mm gun concentric recoil system design, through the design of recoil system, complete the training of the gun core component——recoil system.

    This task refer to the interior ballistic parameters of 105 mm gun. The first is parameter calculation. According to the results of parameter calculation, Further complete the design and calculation of the counterrecoil mechanism. These two steps are bedding for the design of recoil brake. The counterrecoil mechanism in this article is spring counterrecoil mechanism, and the recoil brake is groove type recoil brake. Use variable depth groove to form discharge hole. Around it are numbers of spring. Form the concentric type structure.

    The concentric type recoil system can effectively eliminate the influence of dynamic coupling when shooting because of its axis is coincide with bore axis,so the overall layout of artillery is compact. Turret height is lower, is helpful to reduce quality of artillery

    Keyword:artillery、concentric、recoil system


    1 绪论 1

    1.1   引言 1

    1.2   本课题的研究背景 1

    1.3   国内外研究现状 2

    2 总体设计 3

    2.1   同心式结构设计 3

    2.2   弹簧式复进机设计 4

    2.3   助退机结构设计 5

    3 7

    尺寸计算以及强度校核 7

    3.1   内弹道参数计算 7

    3.2   后坐制动图及选择理由 9

    3.2.1   后坐制动图的选择原则 9

    3.2.2后坐制动图的绘制 10

    3.3   复进机结构设计计算 11

    3.3.1   复进机力变化规律 11

    3.3.2   确定Pfo和m的原则 11

    3.3.3弹簧结构尺寸的确定 12

    3.3.4复进制动的校核 13

    3.4   助退机结构设计计算 14

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