


    毕业论文关键词  大口径  狙击步枪  低后坐  膛口制退器  液压缓冲器



    Title Design and analysis of a low recoil sniper rifle


    In the background of modern "asymmetric warfare", fighting in the city, targeting not only can efficiently eliminate the target, but also can avoid harming civilians. In combat, accurate long-range strike can effectively reduce the ammunition consumption, and increase the operation sustainability in the absence of logistics case. To achieve precision strike, sniper rifle is a good choice. 

    In modern war, there are more and more high-value targets. The large caliber sniper rifle can destroy these high-value targets, therefore, it plays a very important role. With the large caliber, its power increases. Meanwhile, the accompanying increased recoil becomes the bottleneck restricting its development. How to ensure the firing accuracy and light weight at the same time, reduce the recoil force, so as to meet the inpidual operationability, has become an important design requirement of a large caliber sniper. The overall scheme design and structure design of key parts were carried out, and the three-dimensional entity model and two-dimensional drawing engineering drawings were completed. The intensity of some part structures were verified. By designed efficient muzzle brake, hydraulic buffer, the recoil can be reduced effectively and the achieve precision strike can be realized.

    Keywords          Large caliber     Sniper rifle          Low recoil  

    Hydraulic buffer      Muzzle brake

    目   次

    1  绪论1

    1.1  研究目的、意义1

    1.2  国内外研究历史和现状1

    1.3  发展趋势7

    2  枪械低后坐方法研究8

    2.1  减后坐技术介绍8

    2.2  该枪采用的减后坐技术9

    3  总体方案设计10

    3.1  主要战术技术指标10

    3.2  自动方式10

    3.3  缓冲方式10

    4  内弹道计算12

    4.1  内弹道基本假设17

    4.2  内弹道计算17

    5  部分零部件结构设计及总枪装配19

    5.1  闭锁机构19

    5.2  枪管20

    5.3  发射机构22

    5.4  击发机构22

    5.5  退壳机构23

    5.6  瞄准装置23

    5.7  枪托23

    5.8  高效膛口制退器24

    5.9  缓冲器28

    5.10  总枪装配34



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