    Plastic Protection Cap Molding Analysis and Mold Design
    Abstract: This paper introduces the design of plastic mold of hood, and analysis the structure of the product and the parameters about the material, specially introduce the injection gate position for the mold,with the software moldflow analysis the flow rate. At the same time it also introduces the design of injection mold technology, the theory, method and other related knowledge. The design of the mold uses the auxiliary design software ProE and AutoCAD. Draw the mold assembly drawing, cavity, cores and important parts drawing.
    This document analysis the plastics mold manufacturing process in details , the determination of mold structure forms, the selection of injection molding machine type, the determination of points of the type, the design of gating system, the slider positioning device design stripping structure design, some of the main components of the design including guide pin, the chute, oblique tight piece, etc. Some details should be pay attention to in the design, such as should pay attention to the choice of the formwork is two board type structure or three plate structure, it should be considered plastic liquidity in the design of gating system, it should pay attention to the collocation relationship of injection molding machine in choosing formwork.
    According to the mold design and actual production, specially introduced the mold design about injection gate position, welding line, flow rate, cold runner etc. according to the injecting pressure of the injection machine to design the cavities, according to flow rate to design the gate position, when choosing the gate position, we should consider the flow rate method, and should decrease the gate quantity and welding lines, so that can confirm the quality of the product, about the welding line, we should design it at the position that not affect the quality of the product, about the runner, it is designed and improved in the production according to the information above.
    Key words: injection, mold design, hood, mold structure, ProE
    目  录
    1  前言    3
    2  塑件工艺分析与设计    5
    2.1  概述    5
    2.2  塑件分析    5
    2.3  塑件材料的选择    6
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