    毕业论文关键词: 智能玻璃幕墙清洗机;十字框架结构;气压驱动;冲洗和刷洗及刮洗联合作用;真空吸附。
    Structural Design of an Intelligent Glass Curtain Wall Cleaning Machine
    Abstract: This paper introduces the design of an intelligent high-rise glass curtain wall cleaning machine based on the system self-cleaning device for domestic and international status of the wall.  The mobile cleaning machine structure has a gas drive, vacuum and flexible framework.
    The device includes cleaning system, climbing wall and the control system of three parts. Robot itself is equipped with cleaning devices work by planning the path for cleaning. Wall high-rise buildings are mainly of atmospheric dust and dirt, considering the robot's operating environment, cleaning efficiency and environmental protection requirements, the entire operating system including the rolling brush cleaning system, sprinkler system, water cycle recovery system, and cleansing the system, with washing, brushing, scraping the joint effect of washing cleaning practices.  Scraper can recovery left in the wall of the droplets, through the sewage pipe into the sewage tank.  Wastewater recycling and reuse of the robot to achieve self-sufficiency in water supply, help increase the efficiency of cleaning robots, and cleaning can reduce the load on the weight of the robot.
    Wall climbing robot system consists of mobile systems and the composition of the adsorption system.  Mobile adsorption system designed cross frame and vacuum package and flexible mobile robot, obstacle avoidance capability.  In order to improve the cleaning efficiency of the robot, path planning requirements for the whole process moves at least, the largest cleaning unit to ensure that the main movement direction of robot path planning in the same direction.  As the robot can carry out the obstacle crossing of window frames, so it can simplify the path planning.
    The body and chassis parts of the device have the aluminum and other light materials, small size, simple structure, large effective area cleaning, no repeat cleaning, and uneasy to produce secondary pollution.  Generally speaking, the device has the great improvement in the cleaning efficiency and the simplification of the equipment.
    Keywords: Wall-climbing cleaning robot;Gas driven;Vacuum adsorption;Frame structure.
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题开展的依据    1
    1.2  智能玻璃幕墙清洗机国内外的发展概况    1
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