


    毕业论文关键词  喷涂机  西门子S7-200  链轮链条传动  防爆电机


    Title The Design of Intelligent Spraying Robot Used in Spraying Production Line

    Abstract This paper mainly described the intelligent spraying robot used in spraying the hub. This Spraying robot selected the highly stable, well-extended Siemens PLC S7-200 as its controller, and used screen sensor to measure the width of to-be-sprayed rims. It realized the movements of the robot’s spraying guns by controlling the two explosion-proof motors , and used two position sensors to assist the spraying robot to reset itself. It used the chain and chain gear and the roller guide rail against dust. This paper designed of the mechanism to change the chain turnover motion into linear reciprocating motion of the spaying guns, which avoids of the frequent reciprocating motion when spraying task is heavy.

    This paper has taken accurate calculation to the key parts -- dimensions of chain and sprocket. It also checked the dangerous driving shaft, which showed that the design of the shaft drive meets the strength requirements. It also did the research and design of control system of the spraying robot. Therefore, when the control system is reasonable, the spraying robot can achieve predetermined spraying function, whose structure strength can satisfy the security requirements of the work. As a result, the spraying machine has a certain practical value.

    Keywords Spraying Robot  Siemens S7-200  Sprocket and Chain Drive  Explosion-Proof Motor

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  相关技术国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  论文主要内容 2

    2  喷涂机机械结构的设计 4

    2.1  产品设计一般要求 4

    2.2  喷涂生产线的现状 4

    2.3  喷涂机总体设计 5

    2.4  喷涂机的结构设计 7

    2.4.1  传动机构设计 7

    2.4.2  传动机构的总体方案选择 9

    2.4.3  水平方向传动机构设计 10

    2.4.4  竖直方向传动机构设计 15

    2.4.5  联轴器的选用 18

    2.4.6  电机的选用 19

    2.4.7  导轨与滑块机构设计 20

    2.4.8  喷涂机机架的设计

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