

    毕业论文关键词  旋回流 非接触 真空吸盘 搬运系统


    Title:  Design of a Non-contact Vacuum Handling System Used for Processing of CD

    Abstract As a new type of pneumatic components, the non-contact swirling flow vacuum cup can achieve lifting and handling the work piece in a non-contact state and other functions. Therefore, it has the advantage of non-contact, no damage and no pollution with the work piece. In the industry of semiconductor, LCD panel, pharmaceutical and other fields where the surface quality and cleanliness of the product are highly required, the non-contact swirling flow vacuum cup has a wide range of use. This paper discusses the principle of non-contact vacuum cup, and the design of an example based on this. Next, the mathematical modeling of the non-contact vacuum cups is conducted to get a preliminary understanding of its operating characteristics, and the design of a non-contact vacuum handling system, specifically including the mechanical design, pneumatic circuit design and PLC programming, is carried out, so that the performance of a complete system for the real can be studied.

    Keywords  swirling flow  non-contact  vacuum cup   handling system

    目   次

    1. 引言 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 非接触式真空搬运技术的研究现状 1

    1.2.1 伯努利式非接触吸盘 1

    1.2.2 气旋式非接触真空吸盘 2

    1.3 课题主要研究内容 4

    2. 非接触式真空吸盘的原理及结构设计 5

    2.1 气旋式非接触真空吸取装置的原理 5

    2.2 气旋式非接触吸盘的总体技术方案 5

    2.3 气旋式非接触吸盘的结构设计 6

    2.3.1 总体结构设计 6

    2.3.2 上端盖结构设计 7

    2.3.3 下端盖结构设计 7

    2.3.4 机械零件材料的选择 8

    3. 非接触式真空吸取装置的数学模型 9

    3.1 等效模型的建立 9

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