    毕业论文关键词:  破碎机;环锤式破碎机;转子;强度;公差
    The design of PCH-400*400 ring hammer crusher rotor Abstract
    Abstract: Ring hammer crusher widely used in various departments cement plants , power plants , etc. So , it is designed to have a broad prospect and rich can learn from the experience. Essence of its design is that after the completion of the overall design, conduct a more detailed analysis of each of the major components of the design, installation , location and other issues, and inpidual parts for strength check . In the design of the various components , the main material selection , determine the size , structure of the process is satisfied, and with the other parts of the requirements and the like . And related topics , in particular, emphasized the strength of the rotor shaft checking , the coupling selection and verification, extended life for the hammer to compare in detail. When the intensity of the check, use the related classic formula for risk analysis of the site , such as look-up table , mapping and calculations. And then the whole installation , operation and inspection of the various aspects of the work , while taking into account the problem of the operation , maintenance and other apparatus aspects of the machine , the final diagnosis and exclusion of the two main working parts of the fault analysis , to ensure the final design of the crusher economy and reliability .   
    Key word:Crusher ;Ring hammer crusher; rotor ;strength; tolerances
    1绪论    1
    1.1 环锤式破碎机的介绍    1
    1.1.1 锤式破碎机的优点    2
    1.1.2 锤式破碎机的缺点    2
    1.2 环锤式破碎机研究的目的和意义    2
    1.2.1环锤式破碎机研究的目的    2
    1.2.2环锤式破碎机研究的意义    2
    1.3 破碎的实质    3
    1.3.1粉碎的含义    3
    1.3.2破碎的目的    3
    1.4 环锤式破碎机的类型    4
    1.5 环锤式破碎机的工作原理    5
    1.6 环锤式破碎机转子介绍    5
    2 环锤式破碎机主要结构    7
    2.1 机架    7
    2.2 转子    7
    2.2.1 主轴    7
    2.2.2 圆盘    8
    2.3 传动机构    8
    2.4 破碎板和反击板    8
    2.5 锤头    9
    2.5.1 锤头的形式    9
    2.5.2 锤头的材料    9
    3 环锤式破碎机的结构设计及参数计算    11
    3.1 基本结构参数    11
    3.1.1 原始数据    11
    3.1.2 传动方案的选择    11
    3.1.3 电动机的选择    13
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