    关键字: 原油含水率测试分析仪;结构设计;ANSYS
    The design of the Moisture content tester of crude oil
    Abstract:The moisture content of the crude oil is an important indicator of crude oil. Moisture content tester of crude oil is used to measure the moisture content of the crude oil instruments. Many different types of Moisture content tester of crude oil. There are many types of working principle. The main task is the use of the Electric field improvements and design meet the actual demand of Moisture content tester of crude oil. The main difficulty of the subject for two. First, the moisture content of the crude oil tester structural design, Crude oil moisture analyzer need frequently Disassembly, Tester may be used in the high pressure environment, so It is necessary to check the structure of the tester. To make it meet the stress requirements. The second is the design of the electrode plate structure. The electric field distribution in the moisture content tester of crude oil must meet to be able to make rapid polarization of the molecules of water in crude oil, So that the water molecules quickly gathered sedimentation, To achieve the purpose of the oil-water separator.
    KeyWords:moisture content tester of crude oil; structural design;ANSYS
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题介绍    1
    1.2    原油含水率测试的现状及发展    1
    1.3    电脱法原油含水测试仪简介    2
    2    原油含水测试分析仪结构设计    4
    2.1    现有结构    4
    2.2    存在的问题    6
    2.3    本次设计所选用的结构    6
    3    测试仪高压密封结构校核    10
    4    极板结构的三种方案    16
    5    电场分析    19
    5.1    ANSYS理论基础    19
    5.1.1.    有限元法的基本思想    19
    5.2    ANSYS分析基本步骤    20
    5.2.1.    前处理    20
    5.2.2.    加载并求解    20
    5.2.3.    后处理    21
    5.3    电场理论基础    21
    5.3.1.    电场强度、库伦定理    21
    5.4.1.    理论计算    22
    5.4.2.    ANASYS电场分析    24
    5.5    圆弧形极板电场分析    27
    5.5.1.    理论计算    28
    5.5.2.    ANASYS电场分析    29
    5.6    电极棒与极板结构电场分析    36
    5.6.1.    理论计算    36
    5.6.2.    ANASYS电场分析    37
    5.7    结构的确定    44
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