    关键词   STM32,数据采集,数据存储,DMA
    Title    Bottom line projectile comprehensive parameter test system                                                                       
        On the basis of theory research for data acquisition and storage system and design principles for engineering system, and for technical specifications of a certain kind of flight measurement system, this thesis is intended for a data acquisition and storage system based on STM32, which uses SPIFlash W25Q16BV NAND Flash as the medium for storage, USB interface to realize the communication between the hardware and PC. It achieves the acquisition and storage for 5 channel analogy signals. And it also accomplishes the data-reading, unpacked.
        This thesis first analyzes the overall design scheme of the data acquisition and storage
    system. key technology and its solution. And it elaborates the design method of constituent
    modules for hardware in detail and outputs the circuit design and detail description from the aspect of the acquisition of analogy signal channel, digital signal conversion and receiving,power supply conversion, main control, Flash storage, trigger judgment and working mode selection, program debugging and downloading and USB interface communication module.
    Then the software design is discussed in detail, which including the timing control of system,
    receiving of multiple and uncertain-length serial port data, the realization of special
    requirements for data encoding and storage, DMA transfer, Ping-pang receiving and storage
    and USB communication procedure. The PC data reading and analysis software is also introduced. Finally, the analog channel signal calibration, functional testing method and actual flight test situation of the system are also illustrated.
        The data acquisition and storage system designed in this thesis have been promoted in a certain kind of flight measurement system. After the analysis of the relevant live shell test result, it is manifested that the system designed basically lives up to the demands of related index, which is featured with small size, low power consumption, high reliability, overload resistant and high interference resistant.
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