    关键词  适配性   引信装定  火控系统     可编程
    Title     Fuse and fire control system interoperability and matching technology research
    In weapon systems, fire control system  can achieve target detection and identification, and control fire targetes ,or other functions, it is the core of the weapon system; fuse is the control center of each shell, can choose detonating manner, timing and ranging from gun and target vulnerable parts recognitied ,or other functions, is the core of ammunition. Weapon effectiveness depends primarily on two core performance, to improve the accuracy and destructive effects of combat weapons systems, it is necessary to increase the lead with intelligence and fire control system and fire control system to achieve maximum between Fuze Information crosslinking. From the perspective of information crosslinked fire control system and fuze, adopting large-scale system theory as the theoretical basis for analysis of the problem, analyze the fire control system and fuse information required cross-linking adaptation issues, summed up the fire control system Fuze implement structural, information and functions adaptation of three basic requirements and conditions; analysis of the various setter methods to achieve the basic requirements, as well as their advantages and disadvantages and technical difficulties; there is wire-bound in accordance with the conditions of the fire Setter control to start transmitting data to the fuze final action by circuit design and programming, to achieve stapling function information.
    Keywords Suitability  Fuze Setting  Fire Control System Programmability
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 适配性的背景    1
    1.2 火控系统与引信之间的适配性    2
    1.3小结    5
    2 火控系统和电子时间引信基本组成    6
    2.1 火控系统    6
    2.2电子时间引信    9
    2.3 小结    15
    3 火控系统信息处理与对引信装定模式    16
    3.1 有线装定技术    16
    3.2 射频装定    18
    3.3 电磁感应装定    20
    3.4 激光远程装定    22
    3.5 小结    23
    4 装定电路与软件程序    24
    4.1 装定电路设计    24
    4.2 程序流程    28
    结论    30
    致  谢    31
    附录1    34
    附录2    35
    1 绪论
    1.1 适配性的背景
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