    关键词  上绵茧  图像识别  连通域  GLCM  BP神经网络
    Title  Research on the technology of silkworm recognition based on the texture of shrink wrinkle           
    The characteristic differences of “Floss”and “cocoon” is relatively small, artificial selection requires highly experienced technical staff commitment, susceptible to assess the subjective factors and practical experience.
    This paper attempts to extract from the difference between the two surface texture cocoon, the paper successively introduced cocoon image acquisition,preprocessing, pattern recognition processing algorithms. The image capture is made by using the supereyes camera to select the appropriate focal length and the shooting area. Image preprocessing including image gray and image enhancement, which in the frequency domain is mainly the use of Butterworth high-pass filter sharpening. Image recognition model uses a connected domain algorithm and GLCM model, the former is based on the concept of using neighborhood connectivity Butterworth high-pass filtered; GLCM is characteristic parameters obtained in the statistical model gray and further use of the k nearest neighbor algorithm and optimization of BP neural network based on GA for data processing; in order to further improve the accuracy,which of the three algorithms were linear combination, a new recognition pattern Combined Model. For engineering applications, the article concludes with a preliminary scheme based on surface wrinkled texture image feature recognition cocoon automatic sorting system, the program gives a schematic diagram of the system.
    Keywords  cocoon ,Image recognition ,Connected domain, GLCM ,BP neural network
    目   次
    1  前言    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  研究内容和研究方法    2
    2  蚕茧表面图像获取    4
    2.1  图像获取装置    4
    2.2  拍摄条件选择    5
    3  蚕茧图像预处理    8
    3.1  灰度化处理    8
    3.2  图像增强    9
    4  蚕茧表面纹理图像特征识别    12
    4.1  连通域算法    12
    4.2  灰度共生矩阵模型    14
    4.3  k近邻算法    16
    4.4  基于遗传算法的BP神经网络    18
    4.5 组合模型    22
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