    关键词  回转工作台 结构设计 双导程蜗轮蜗杆
    Title    XM40 Structural design of turret machining center                    
    with the social development and scientific and technological progress, require the higher structure of NC rotary table, the structure is reasonable or not, reflecting the high and low level, determines the level of size and level of accuracy of the bearing capacity of rotary table. This article describes the structure of the XM40 Rotary worktable of machining center and related theoretical calculation of the design process. CNC Rotary worktable of machining center driving structure consists of a dual lead worm gear, the transmission structure of transmission clearance can be eliminated, the machine keeps the spindle during the addition of a positioning and transmission mechanism, achieved position spindle indexing requirements. The structure guarantees the transmission precision, simple structure, reliable performance, easy to adjust, applicability, cost-effective high. Through mapping, calculation of structural design parameters, rotary table by using three dimensional design software architecture modeling and finite element analysis to the table structure, the structural design of the NC rotary table is reasonable, the design is feasible.
    Keywords  Rotary table   Configuration design   Double lead travel worm and gear
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究现状    2   
    1.3  研究内容    2
    2  数控回转工作台的原理    3
    2.1  数控回转工作台    3
    2.2  消隙机构及其工作原理    3
    2.3  数控回转工作台的锁紧装置    4
    2.4  设计原则    4
    2.5  主要技术参数    5
    2.6  本章小结    5
    3  数控回转工作台的设计    5
    3.1  传动方案的选择    6
    3.2  伺服电机的选择和参数的计算    7
    3.3  蜗轮蜗杆的选用及其校核    11
    3.4  轴的设计计算与校核    17
    3.5  轴承的校核    20
    3.6键的校核计算    22
    3.7  联轴器的选择    22
    3.8  密封与润滑    22
    结 论    23
    致 谢    24
    1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
  1. 上一篇:基于缩皱纹理的绵蚕识别技术研究+MATLAB程序
  2. 下一篇:一种闸机拍打门机构的三维结构设计
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