


    关键字   双驱动  静动态分析  有限元


    Title  The analysis of static and dynamic characteristics of scrolling support linear feed system with dual  drive of machining center

    Abstract The feed drive system is an important part of CNC machining center, The design and static and dynamic character of the feed system will directly affect the accuracy of machining center.

    Based on the feed system with dual drive as the research object, the present research status at home and abroad of the feed system of machine tool were introduced. We use software Pro/e to finish the design and modeling of the components of system. We use ANSYS software (based on FEM) to do the modal analysis of the table, the base and the ball screw. We also do the static analysis of ball screw and check the stability of compression bar of the Screw. Finally, we do the analysis of the influence of thickness of the support section to each order modal frequency.

    Keywords Feed system   Static and dynamic characteristics   ANSYS

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 双驱动直线进给系统的研究现状 1

    1.3 本文研究内容 3

    2 双丝杠驱动进给系统的设计计算 5

    2.1 双丝杠驱动直线进给系统的设计流程 5

    2.2 进给系统要求的技术参数 5

    2.3 传动系统设计 5

    2.4 滚珠丝杠选型 6

    2.5 丝杠支承设计 8

    2.6 伺服电动机的选型 9

    2.7 导轨的设计计算 10

    2.8 工作台设计 12

    2.9 底座设计 14

    2.10 系统刚度的验算 15

    3 双驱动进给系统的有限元建模与静动态分析 18

    3.1 有限元及ANSYS简介 18

    3.1.1 有限元方法简介 18

    3.1.2 ANSYS简介

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