

    毕业论文关键字  进给系统 滑动导轨 定位精度 有限元


    Title Design of linear feeding system of sliding bearing machining center and the static and dynamic analysis

    Abstract This subject is one of the "High-grade CNC Machine Tools and Basic Manufacturing Equipment" of National science major technology project which  named "Research on Key Technology of High-grade CNC Machine Design and the Development of Digital Tools" . It mainly studies on design of feed-ing system of sliding bearing , and static and dynamic analysis. The design of linear feeding system of sliding bearing includes the ball screw and its support , the choice of servo motor , and the design of sever system . We used software Pro/Engineer to finish the design of sliding support feeding system and the building the model of its static analysis. On this basis , we builded the finite element model of the ball screw ,  the work bench and the base . At last , we used the software of Ansys to finish the analysis of the influence of positioning accuracy caused by external loads and their structure parameters , and the influence of base’s natural frequency caused by its structure type .

    Keywords    Feeding system  Slideing guide  Positioning accuracy  Finite element


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究的目的 1

    1.3  滑动支承直线进给系统设计的研究现状及发展趋势 2

    1.3.1  滑动支承直线进给系统设计研究概况 2

    1.3.2  数控进给系统静态特性研究概况 3

    1.3.3  当前滑动支承进给系统研究的不足 4

    2  滑动支承直线进给系统设计 5

    2.1  传动系统 5

    2.2  滚珠丝杠 6

    2.2.1  精度 6

    2.2.2  疲劳强度 6

    2.3  丝杠支承 7

    2.4  伺服电机 9

    2.5  精度验算 11

    2.5.1  滚珠丝杠的拉压刚度 11

    2.5.2  丝杠轴承的轴向刚度 11

    2.5.3  丝杠螺母的接触刚度 11

    2.5.4  挠性联轴器的扭转刚度 11

    2.5.5  伺服刚度 11

    2.5.6  综合刚度 12

    2.5.7  弹性变形

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