    关键词  电源车 支腿机构 液压系统
    Title  The field type wind power receive exhibition actuator design                   
    The latest mobile power vehicle system, Has achieved the wind, light, wood, complement each other. Its biggest characteristic is the strong endurance, Under certain conditions can guarantee system in the absence of external supplies to provide power for a long time.
    This design on the analysis of the field type power vehicle functions, composition and characteristics on the basis of the work. Combined with the design of the new type of mobile power vehicle at home and abroad and its development trend , According to the design requirement is designed to support a wind turbine leg of the hydraulic system.
    Work this design is mainly pided into two parts, one is wind power receive exhibition structure design of the actuator, the second is the design of hydraulic system, wind generator to control system design. This article mainly expounds the second part of content. By reading a large number of domestic and foreign literature and reference for research of the existing power vehicle field type, analysis the feasibility of various options finalized leg hydraulic system solutions.
    Keywords  Power vehicle, leg mechanism, hydraulic system
    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1课题研究的意义    1
    1.2 国内外发展趋势    1
    1.3  本课题移动电源车的主要参数    2
    1.4  执行机构的类型    2
    1.5  课题研究的主要内容    2
    2  液压系统设计计算    4
    2.1  支腿液压回路的设计    4
    2.1.1   支腿液压回路的作用    4
    2.1.2  支腿液压回路的性能要求    4
    2.1.3  液压系统原理说明    4
    2.2  液压缸工作压力差的计算    6
    2.3  液压缸伸缩速度及流量的计算    7
    2.3.1  垂直支腿液压缸的伸缩速度及流量计算    7
    2.3.2  水平支腿液压缸的伸缩速度及流量计算    7
    2.4  液压泵的工作压力及排量的确定    8
    2.4.1液压泵额定工作压力的确定    8
    2.4.2液压泵流量的计算    8
    2.5  液压泵的选择    8
    2.6  油箱的基本功能和分类    9
    2.6.1  油箱的设计要点    10
    2.6.2  油箱容积的确定    10
    2.6.3  油箱附件的选取    11
    2.7  油管的确定    11
    2.8  液压油的选择    13
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