    Inject mold Design of Camera Case
    Abstract:     This product is microwave oven components.The product request has the high formation precision to satisfy the product the function demand.Requests the student to be able to utilize this specialized basic theory, the method and the skill, and as well as the synthesis utilization correlation specialized knowledge, according to the product structure the union product technology quality requirement, designs conforms to the actual production level, has the structure advanced, the craft reasonable, has the high economical performance mold, and draws up the major parts the processing technological process, in the solution material formation process concrete question.The grasping plastic mold designs the unit process, enhances the computer-aided design with the consult related literature, the design material, the standard and the standard and so on the basic skill, completes duties and so on graduation project computation and instruction booklet. Through the graduation project study, may UG carry on the simple three dimensional modelling, establishes the mold work components the machine-finishing technology capability is, understood the mold the processing flow, the processing craft, the academic society analyzes the determination casting system and a minute profile, carries on the mold to flow the analysis, determines the best casting system.Completes the one whole set two-dimensionally, the three dimensional mold detail drawing, the final assembly drawing, completes the instruction booklet, finally through graduation project reply.
    Key words: machine design; injection mould; ECO lens
     目  录
    1  绪论 1
    1.1  引言  1
    1.2  主要零件结构分析及设计应达到的目的  2
    2  结构设计  3
    3  材料的选择  5
    3.1  分析制件材料使用性能  5
    3.2  分析塑件工艺性能  5
    3.3  材料使用范围  6
    4  确定塑料成型方式及工艺过程  7
    4.1  成型工艺规程  7
    5  分析塑料结构工艺性  8
    5.1  塑件尺寸精度分析  8
    5.2  塑件表面质量分析  8
    5.3  塑件的壁厚  8
    5.4  塑件的脱模斜度  8
    6  初步选择塑件成型设备  9
    6.1  依据最大注射量初选设备  9
    6.1.1  计算塑件的体积  9
    6.1.2  计算塑件的质量  9
    6.1.3  计算每次注射进入模具塑料总体积(总质量)  9
    6.2  依据最大锁模力初选设备  10   
    7  确定成行工艺参数  11
    7.1  温度  11
    7.2  压力  11
    7.3  时间(成型周期)  11
    7.4  注射成型工艺卡  11
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